Malfunction Modules

Complaints and Common Faults

  • 1. Braking Issue:

    • Left rear wheel locks up in a normal braking situation due to ABS failure
    • Rear brake shoe expanding causing excessive wear and brake failure
    • ABS brakes make noise and feel like they are dragging

      ABS: Pumped brakes while coming to stop, rear-ended/locked up, causing an accident

  • 2. Vehicle Fire:

    • Fire in the engine compartment due to faulty speed control deactivation switch
    • Vehicle burst into flames while parked, fire originated in the engine compartment
    • Fire in the engine compartment due to an electrical shortage
    • Engine compartment fire due to an electrical short, faulty wiring harness

  • 3. Tire Issues:

    • Rear passenger side tire tread separation causing damage
    • Rear driver's side tire tread separation and blowout, potentially causing an accident
    • Tire tread separation in front and rear tires, damaging the fender, exhaust system
    • Tread separation in front and rear tires, leading to blowouts and damage to the vehicle

  • 4. Electrical Problems:

    • Electrical shortage in speedometer causing vehicle to stall
    • Electrical problem relating to speedometer causing vehicle to stall, erratic performance
    • Cam position sensor failure leading to engine cutoff at various speeds
    • Shorted wiring harness overheating and melting

  • 5. Brake System Failures:

    • Emergency brake cable linkage failure
    • Power brake vacuum pump failure leading to loss of power brakes
    • Front brake rotors cracking, causing vibration and unsafe conditions
    • Brakes failing to stop, resulting in accidents

  • 6. Steering Issues:

    • Steering box failure, causing total loss of steering
    • Steering wheel and column failure while driving
    • Occasionally loss of power steering and power brakes due to failed serpentine belt tensioner

  • 7. Transmission Problems:

    • Automatic transmission failure leading to accidents
    • Transmission not shifting correctly, causing issues with downshifting
    • Transmission slipping, locking out of overdrive, causing speed loss on the highway

  • 8. Front End Problems:

    • Poor alignment causing excessive tire wear
    • Front bumper replaced due to poor metal finishing
    • Poor metal finish on bumper, front end stabilizer bar bent causing vibration

  • 9. Cruise Control Issues:

    • Cruise control failure to engage or work, causing safety concerns
    • Cruise control recall not including the Ford F-350 truck
    • Cruise control switch catching fire, causing issues with vehicle operation

  • 10. Other Mechanical Failures:

    • Gear shift issues from 2nd to 3rd gear being jerky
    • Engine timing system failure
    • Axel seals and gaskets failures
    • Blowout in a tire, cracked sidewalls, unstable driving conditions

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