Malfunction Modules

Complaints and Common Faults

  • 1. Faulty head bolts with repair costing over $6000

  • 2. Front end issues causing death wobble, leading to premature wear of front end and steering components

  • 3. Shaking violently at high speeds over bumpy roads

  • 4. Violent shaking in the front end after encountering irregular road surfaces

  • 5. Loss of control after hitting a bump, causing temporary loss of control

  • 6. Brake booster feed line coming off at intake, resulting in hard brake pedal and loss of power brakes

  • 7. EGR cooler failure causing white smoke from exhaust pipe, with repair options from Ford costing thousands of dollars

  • 8. Electronic throttle control failure causing engine to idle with no response to throttle pedal

  • 9. Shimmy in the front end when crossing over bad road spots

  • 10. Shimmy in the front end when braking above 50mph

  • 11. Fueling issues causing slow fill-up at gas stations leading to potential safety hazards

  • 12. Instrument panel losing power, causing gauges and electric windows to stop working

  • 13. Rusting fuel tank causing stalling and slowing down of the vehicle

  • 14. Nurf bar design causing injury with broken leg

  • 15. Accelerator pedal height being too high, causing discomfort during driving

  • 16. Faulty power steering pump resulting in difficult steering

  • 17. Vehicle steering wheel shaking violently, causing loss of control and difficulty in driving

  • 18. Defective door handle/lock plate making it easy for vehicle to be broken into

  • 19. Front wheel bearings failure causing loud noise from the front end

  • 20. Wheel bearing rusting causing howling sound and loss of control at high speeds.

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