Malfunction Modules

Complaints and Common Faults

  • 1. Steering and Suspension Issues:

    • Ford F-250 with a severe shimmy between 60 and 65 mph, resulting in violent shaking after going over small bumps in the road, and unable to steer.
    • Death wobble experienced multiple times at various speeds, causing loss of control and requiring the vehicle to be slowed down or stopped.
    • Accelerator pedal position sensor failure resulting in immediate speed reduction, potentially causing accidents.
    • Violent shaking in the front end of the truck at speeds of 45-55 mph, causing the vehicle to pull to the right.
    • Front end shaking violently at various speeds, even after tire balancing and alignment.
    • Front end shaking violently after hitting a bump, causing loss of control and requiring the vehicle to be stopped to settle.
    • Vehicles shaking uncontrollably and violently rattling, potentially causing loss of control and accidents.

  • 2. Fuel System Issues:

    • Fuel system shutdown on interstate due to apparent contamination of diesel fuel.

  • 3. Electrical Issues:

    • Battery charger causing loss of electrical power, including window and door controls, turn signals, and lights.
    • Ignition key getting stuck in tailgate, resulting in costly removal.
    • Ignition key getting stuck in on position, causing loss of power while driving.

  • 4. Mechanical Issues:

    • Alternator catching fire.
    • Radiator leaking and exhaust manifold bolts breaking, leading to costly repairs.
    • Broken 3rd cylinder causing engine damage.
    • Transfer case splitting open after impacting a bump on the road.

  • 5. Miscellaneous Issues:

    • Contact experiencing a strong burning smell attributed to a clutch issue, even though the vehicle is automatic.
    • Tractor hitch failing and causing damage to the vehicle.
    • Contact feeling sick from fumes emitting from the AC unit.
    • Rubber bushing damage causing rattling between the body and frame of the vehicle.

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