Malfunction Modules

Complaints and Common Faults

  • 1. Brake problems:

    • Brake pads wearing out quickly and going into rotors
    • Brake failures, dealer stating it's normal wear and tear
    • Total brake failure due to defective vacuum cylinder

  • 2. Electrical issues:

    • HVAC switch failures causing burning smell and vehicle fire
    • Fuel line rubbing on doghouse, hole found in fuel line causing fuel leak
    • Third-degree burns from hot disc under airbag in auto accident

  • 3. Power steering issues:

    • Power steering failure without warning

  • 4. Engine overheating issues:

    • Vehicle overheating while driving uphill, unable to duplicate problem by dealer
    • Bolt separating from engine block, causing serpentine belt failure and loss of steering power

  • 5. Fuel system problems:

    • Fuel tank delaminating and clogging fuel pump and filter
    • Fuel tank lining delaminating, clogging fuel lines and causing engine failure
    • Fuel tank rusting and clogging fuel pump and filter

  • 6. Miscellaneous issues:

    • Sudden vehicle acceleration into another vehicle
    • Seat belt malfunctions trapping passengers, multiple trips to dealer for repairs
    • Vehicle swaying from side to side at highway speeds
    • Air bag deployment without hitting debris, causing burns
    • Vehicle losing power and stalling while driving
    • Violent shaking and fuel system clog leading to vehicle slowing down to 30mph
    • Fuel tank lining coming off, causing fuel tank to rust and clog fuel system
    • Failure of fuel vapor valve assembly causing gas vapors to build up and ignite
    • Vehicle jerking violently to the left when brakes are applied
    • Electrical instrument cluster failure causing speedometer issues, cost to replace at owner's expense
    • Lapses in recall service, parts backordered and no assistance provided
    • Fuel tank delaminating and causing fuel system malfunctions
    • Fuel tank lining delaminating, clogging fuel filter and injectors
    • Vehicle lurching backwards and causing injuries
    • Vehicle lunging backwards and dragging consumer when opened door
    • Fuel system clog causing vehicle to slow down and shake

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